don’t let anything poison your individuality

wake up

break away

i heard that on a skate boarding movie like an hour ago and it touched me

Final post

This ain’t my final post, this is just my final post for the class, but i’ll keep posting after this because i’ve enjoyed this class and if other people keep posting i’ll keep reading. i love you guys. i hope people read this one because i want other people to keep writing after the class ends!! and also i am so sorry for posting 208183773 times today haha i’m just trying to boost my grade anyways have a good evening and a good life and stuff…probably only 1 person will read this sad post…i’m so tired

some short notes i found

(side thing, i am so sorry for the avalanche of posts tonight…i was trying to get my grade up hahahaha…really sorry)

she’s so hard to find, take it easy. don’t say maybe

write down your dreams

don’t forget me like the red bike that sits in my room

i can ride so freakin fast on it…it’s kinda crazy


messy hair, no makeup but sparkly green eyes are awesome. shoeless girl with magic lights year round..and when she camps, she sleeps on the bare ground. i want you year round, you’re like…super super duper i want all of you and nothing else. you’re perfect you’re exactly what i want you’re exactly what i need you are…..perfect. i want the ocean, the desert, the forest, mountain, jungle, the….well pretty much i want everywhere and everything with you get it yet? I LOVE YOU dog ..LIKE A FREAKING LOT so anyways i’m coming over..see you in a bit.


these are some conversations…

put my pick cup back on the dog gamn stool, i step on it every time and they go everywhere and if this happens again i will drop kick you to the moon! UNDERSTOOD?!?

some days i just want to get up and get up and get up and get up and get up and get up aaaaaaaaaaaand now i’m high…oh wow i don’t know if i can get to class today…………………….am i even real?

wait where are we going? oh i thought we were going to the space station…well i don’t wanna go to Walmart really..well okay i guess i’ll go with you

wait….in case i don’t get the chance to tell you this later… have the prettiest eyes and i’ve always just been too afraid to tell you. i don’t really know why i was afraid.. i guess i just didn’t know how you would react.. so anyways wanna go out on tuesday?

you look like a really pretty cat….like really pretty…but you also look like a cat. which isn’t a bad thing because you’re a pretty cat.. so ya..?

don’t ride your bikes on my fuckin lawn anymore…PLEASE! alright i’m calling the cops. okay you better get the fuck out of here now *pop pop pop* **

what is that? in your mouth…? oh


hey is it an a day or b day tomorrow? ah crap i gotta get that assignment done tonight….ihh life’s to short to care….buuuut i’ll regret saying that later…buuut whatever.

hey did you pick up those fresh fruits from the wallaby Way, Sydney? i can’t get them until tonight that’s why i was gonna have you get them, but it’s totally fine i’ll just get them tonight:)

dude, does it really matter when i bring it down? why do you care? DUDE you are a little dingus…get away hahahaha butt face

you can’t tell but i’m black and white and green and yellow and blue and purple and all over the place but mostly i’m just like skin color or whatever…? what’s skin color anyways?

somewhere in my memory i can see you…sooo ya..

can you grab me a soda? ya. that spirt..actually the root beer. no no the mountain dew . actually the root beers totally fine haha ya ill take that. thanks

did you clean out the hamsters cage? well go do it before i kick your whole ass

bro go

i’m serious



k thanks

duuuude…don’t make me kill you

k well i gotta go,, love you

i want to do a way better version of his someday and maybe it’ll be cool like maybe you could call it art…or maybe i’m just a crazy person idk. also lots of these don’t apply to my life don’t be alarmed.

This is garrett if you were wondering


hyperactivity in the brain/you are my density

whistle to me from across the canyon

i can’t wait for your company

we together are the color of the forest

and you look awfully good wearing my future

we switch sweaters and i give you socks and hugs and…..where are we gonna go after this? what does this life have in store for us?

i love your dog

your dog loves me and you and fetch and a few other people. every time she gets in the car she knows she’s doing something fun – i think that’s the same with all dogs though

i love my dog too. he gets exited when he sees my hiking shoes on my feet cuz he knows we out ah here

shout my name from across the lake

your voice is literally honey, i can’t wait to be next to you again

we are an inseparable pair

our hairstyles change with the seasons

and we’ve come a long way

you are my density

i hear your voice in unexpected places and…am i high? this is one time for me and one time for you — whatever the hell that means

and i miss you very dearly every day i am without you

hello, how are you, dance with me, your voice is just flower pedals falling all around my head and on my shoulders and on my ear lobes and i can’t seem to get over everything that you do while you talk – all your mannerisms melt me and i can see your heart through your smile and your eyes and your hair is naturally purple.

there are so many different types of sprit and i have the worst add going on all the time and there are piles and piles of road signs all along the highway and i’m not the best gift giver but i do love a lot of people and your hands are the perfect ones for mine and your lips are the perfects lips for my lips and you are the perfect height for me and we both have broken tailbones floating somewhere in our butts

and you are my density

and if there is anything real, it is love

and you make me feel comfortable in this chaotic life. thanks


i’m like whoa

i’m like whoa. heart shaking hair sticking straight up like whoa brain buzzing blood boiling like whoa skin’s itchy and warm but mostly i’m like whoa and i am still. i can’t move..well i can but i’m like whoa eyes wide, eyebrows raised, mouth slightly touched at the curve like whoooa. shoulders down, i’m sitting back in my seat like what like whoa

like crazy and you’re standing there hands at your side, half smile but it’s as happy as a full smile, eyes sparkling, cheeks rosy, you are glowing and your hair…..has changed color…..and i like it.

things that feel good touching your face

roses/most flowers



brand stinkin new fluffy white carpet

soft necks – preferably a girl neck for me personally

coconuts – just kidding

cucumbers – not kidding

sideways cd’s

fleece lined pant – inside and out

eddie bauer cotton T

polyester base layer

glass — not really car windows though

baby hands

soft clean bunny

purple wax

blue lycra on alyssa’s new church dress

grandmas old cold canvases

short, cold, easy to vacuum, church carpet

self sanded sandal wood in a sauna

starcaster fender – and she was black with a cream pickguard

the cold side of the pillow

cold crisp mountain air when your body is warm in your sleeping bag

jumping into an chilly lake in the warm summer morning

a punch in the face – duh

old peoples hands

other people’s long hair – sometimes


old people cheek kisses

anyone’s cheek kisses


there are plenty more i’m sure – comment more things that feel good touching your face if you want
